Mediterranean Chicken Soup

When you're short on time, but craving something rich and wholesome, this soup comes to the rescue with three main ingredients and three easy steps. Simply pick up Capone Foods Chicken Stock, a container of our Plum Tomato & Chicken Sauce, and a pound of our fresh Creste di Gallo pasta. Cook the pasta, heat the stock and sauce, combine and you have a soup. The fun comes in with the toppings. Salty Parmigiano, fresh parsley, and a good swirl of olive oil add complex flavors to your bowl. We also recommend a spoonful of our herbed Crème di Crème or replacing the olive oil with a truffle oil for a taste of umami. Who knew soup could be so effortless?

Capone Foods Mediterranean Chicken Soup

serves 4


4 quarts water, salted

1 pint Capone’s Plum Tomato & Chicken sauce, defrosted

3 pints Capone’s Chicken Stock, defrosted

12 oz Capone Foods Fresh Creste di Gallo pasta

2 tbsp fresh flat parsley, chopped

Parmigiano-Reggiano, grated

4 oz Capone Foods Crème di Crème at room temp (optional)

Extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper to taste


1. Bring 4 quarts water to a boil. In a separate pot, mix the chicken stock and plum tomato sauce and heat to a boil. Keep warm.

2. Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook for about 3 minutes. Drain, and add to the stock and sauce.

3. Take the soup off the heat and spoon it into large bowls. Swirl in a spoonful of Crème di Crème, if desired. Top with grated Parmigiano, chopped parsley, and a drizzle of olive oil. Enjoy!

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